UK LEI Issuer

GLEIF-accredited UK LEI Issuer. #1 LEI Issuer Globally.

Register your LEI

Easy, automated, and very Rapid.
Get your LEI issued for a UK entity today

Start Here for your LEI

The largest LEI Issuer worldwide!

1 year

£ 70 per year
  • Low cost
  • Renew Annually
  • £70 total

3 year

£ 67 per year
  • Save 5%
  • Auto-renews for 3 years
  • £200 total
LEI Payment Options

5 year

£ 63 per year
  • Save 10%
  • Auto-renews for 5 years
  • £315 total

Manage Multiple LEIs

Need to manage group LEIs or LEIs on behalf of clients in bulk? Don’t risk managing your LEIs by spreadsheet.

Get in touch to learn about our enterprise, banking and asset manager solutions and make you LEI management more effective, lower cost and lower risk.

Bulk LEI Management

Renew your LEI

Renew your LEI up to 60 days before it expires. Log into your RapidLEI account to use the fast, automated LEI renewal process.

You can only renew with RapidLEI if your LEI is managed by LEI. If it is managed by another LEI Issuer, use the Transfer facility first. 

Transfer your LEI to RapidLEI

RapidLEI uses a streamlined LEI transfer process that operates within the rules of GLEIF transfers.

The first step creates you a RapidLEI account and initiates the transfer to your new RapidLEI account.


Automation does most of the work. We automatically identify if you need a new, renewal or transfer LEI during the process.

Multi-Year Plans

Choose a plan - 1, 3 or 5 years. Choosing multi-year will auto-renew to save you money, reduce renewal admin and avoid the risk of your LEI lapsing unnecessarily.

Fast Publication

Our systems do the checks to ensure data accuracy and in almost all cases your newly issued LEI will be registered within the GLEIS within the same day.

# 1

Largest LEI Issuer Worldwide

0 k+

LEI Registered


Accredited Jurisidictions

1 min

Time to Registration

# 1

Policy Conformity Flag

What is driving LEI adoption?

Largest LEI Issuers

Total active (not lapsed) LEIs under management

Why RapidLEI

Accredited by the GLEIF since 2018, Ubisecure RapidLEI now serves 360k+ LEI clients around the world. Our focus on automation, speed and five star customer service has made us the largest LEI Issuer worldwide.

Global Leader

Issuing one in three new LEIs globally

Expert Support

Large, multi-location, multi-lingual Client Services team


Accredited by GLEIF to issue 170+ countries


Highest Policy Conformity flag scores across all LEI Issuers

UK Legal Entity Identifier

Spotlight – LEI in the UK

LEI Issuance in the UK

Trusted By

Over 360k organisations around the world


RapidLEI uses automation to make the LEI application process quick and easy. Many LEIs are issued in just minutes, but if company identity data needs additional human-based checks, it takes a little longer. If this is the case, we still issue your LEI in just hours, and almost always on the same day as application.

RapidLEI is a GLEIF accredited LEI Issuer and issue fully compliant, universal and globally recognised Legal Entity Identifiers. Once issued, we enter your LEI into the Global LEI System where it can be used to meet your regulatory requirements and identify your organisation.

You can choose any accredited LEI Issuer to register and manage a new LEI.

Only the accredited LEI Issuer managing the LEI can renew it. If you want to renew an existing LEI with RapidLEI, you must first transfer it to our management. This is a simple process and our web forms guide you through the process. Go here to initiate an LEI transfer.

You can use our free LEI Search tool to find out the current status. We connect to the global LEI index to check, and depending on status our system will help you renew, register, or reactivate a lapsed LEI quickly (click for urgent lapsed lei issues).

RapidLEI is the largest LEI Issuer globally with over 360k LEIs issued. Behind RapidLEI is Ubisecure – an identity services provider based in the UK and the Nordics and accredited by the GLEIF to issue LEIs since 2018.  Legal Entity Identifiers are central to our vision on providing security and identity services for the organization identity domain.

Only GLEIF-accredited LEI Issuers can issue LEIs.

The Global LEI Foundation (GLEIF) was established by the Financial Stability Board and the G20 in 2014. The GLEIF is responsible for ensuring the operational integrity of the Global LEI System. It works with accredited LEI Issuers to ensure that the LEI remains a broad public good available to all stakeholders.

In addition, the GLEIF also provides services to support the wider use of the LEI in the global economy, including managing data quality, issuance regulation and new use-cases to ensure that the LEI remains a trusted and useful organisation identifier.

LEI numbers can be issued to registered companies and subsidiaries, non-profit organizations, sole proprietors, international branch offices, funds and trusts. Read more about LEI for funds and trusts.

Get in touch! Our customer support staff are recognised by TrustPilot as the best in the industry with five stars. We will be happy to help you!

Think of your Legal Entity Identifier like you think about your domain name. Your LEI is an asset, and it needs to be managed securely. Creating an account is the first step to get your number, and it just requires your name and email address. Your account will give you the ability to renew your LEI with a single click and order more LEI for group companies fast and easy. It is a secure place to manage your Legal Entity Identifiers.

350k LEIs issued to date! Accredited by the GLEIF since 2018